Course curriculum

  • 1

    Instructions for this course

    • Ownership Culture Minicourse

    • Welcome from People and Culture

    • About the Instructor

    • Bibliography

  • 2

    Ownership Culture: Overview

    • Ownership Culture: Overview - Video

    • Ownership Culture Handout (PDF)

    • Please Share Feedback! (Ownership Culture: Overview)

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    Chartering Circles

    • Chartering Circles - Video

    • Chartering Circles - Workbook

    • Please Share Feedback! (Chartering Circles)

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    Defining Roles

    • Defining Roles - Video

    • Defining Roles - Workbook

    • Please Share Feedback! (Defining Roles)

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    Sensing Tensions and Creating Proposals

    • Sensing Tensions and Creating Proposals - Video

    • Sensing Tensions and Creating Proposals - Workbook

    • Please Share Feedback! (Sensing Tensions and Creating Proposals)

  • 6

    Decision Making in Ownership Culture

    • Decision Making in Ownership Culture - Video

    • Decision Making in Ownership Culture - Workbook

    • Please Share Feedback! (Decision Making in Ownership Culture)

  • 7

    Types of Meetings: Governance, Action, and Retrospective

    • Type of Meetings: Governance, Action and Retrospective - Video

    • Type of Meetings: Governance, Action and Retrospective - Workbook

    • Please Share Feedback! (Types of Meetings: Governance, Action and Retrospective)

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    Working Out Loud

    • Working Out Loud - Video

    • Working Out Loud - Workbook

    • Please Share Feedback! (Working Out Loud)

  • 9

    Troubleshooting: What can go wrong?

    • Troubleshooting: What can go wrong? - Video

    • Troubleshooting: What can go wrong? - Workbook

    • Please Share Feedback! (Troubleshooting: What can go wrong?)