Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction: JEDI Baseline Pillars of Focus

    • B Lab Global JEDI Baseline Pillars of Focus - Intro

    • B Lab Global JEDI Baseline Pillars of Focus Guide

    • Quiz: The Basics

  • 2

    Lesson 1: An Introduction to Accountability

    • Intro to Accountability

    • Accountability is Asking the Question "Are We Who We Say We Are?"

    • Quiz: Intro to Accountability

    • Free Response: Thoughts on Managerial Accountability

  • 3

    Lesson 2: Accountability, Consequences, and Punishment

    • Accountability vs. Consequences vs. Punishment

    • Quiz: Accountability vs. Consequences vs. Punishment

  • 4

    Lesson 3: What Does Accountability Look Like in B Lab?

    • Accountability in the B Lab Network

    • Self Reflection: How Can We Better Hold Ourselves and Each Other Accountable?

  • 5


    • Questions That Drive Accountability

  • 6


    • Resources Found In This Module

  • 7


    • JEDI Baseline Pillars of Focus Thinkific Feedback Form