Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Course Overview & Logistics

    • 1.1 How to Use This Course

    • 1.2 Learning Objectives

  • 2

    2. The Purpose of the B Corp Certification

    • 2.1 Certified B Corps and their Purpose

    • 2.2 The B Corp Community

    • 2.3 Why Do Companies Certify?

    • 2.4 Test Your Knowledge: The Purpose

  • 3

    3. Who Can Certify?

    • 3.1 Company Criteria

    • 3.2 Minimum Eligibility Requirements

    • 3.2 Who is Not Eligible For Certification?

    • 3.4 Test Your Knowledge: B Corp Certification Requirements

  • 4

    4. How Does a Company Certify?

    • 4.1 Steps to B Corp Certification

    • 4.2 B Corp Certification Requirements

    • 4.3 Meeting the Legal Requirement

    • 4.5 B Corp Recertification

    • 4.6 Test Your Knowledge: How to Certify

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    5. What Happens When a Company Cannot Certify?

    • 5.1 Reasons a Company May Not Be Able to Certify

    • 5.2 Options for Companies

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    6. Resources for Further Learning

    • 6.1 Additional Resources